change email account of

Dana S: Hi, my name is Dana S. How may I help you?
Dana S: Thank you for connecting to live chat service.  Hello Cai,  How are you today?
cai xinhua: I want to change the name of my account email
cai xinhua: how should i do?
Dana S: May I have your domain name please/
cai xinhua: ying*.com
Dana S: Thank you Cai, while I am opening your account, please tell me a bit about your online business.
cai xinhua:
Nothing special . I like to read science and technology blog
Dana S: great than you.   I see the email address on file is hi*, is this no longer valid?
cai xinhua: yes.  I want to change it.
Dana S: You can change it by going to the contact information and submitting a change.  
Dana S: You will need access to the existing email to confirm the update.
cai xinhua: thank you very much
I want to change it into yin*
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Dana S: Okay, are you logged into the account?
Dana S:

I am awaiting your response.  Please let me know if you need more time.

cai xinhua:
sorry. Open the pages too slow.
cai xinhua:
I have logged in.
Dana S: Great, goto the “contact information” in the menu on the left.
cai xinhua:
Dana S: Update the email address there, then goto the gmail account and ‘confirm’ the change.
cai xinhua:
thank you. Let me try it.
Dana S: All you have to do now is confirm the change and it will take affect for you.
Dana S: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
cai xinhua:
thank you !  nothing else.
cai xinhua:
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